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Becoming Engaged: Initiatives That Can Change Science Education (2426)

July 22, 2012 – July 25, 2012



Inn at Aspen, Aspen, CO


David Pines, University of California, Davis and ICAM
Julien Bobroff, Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay
Laura Greene, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Dudley Herschbach, Harvard University
Elizabeth H. Simmons, Michigan State University


Becoming Engaged Website

Because science literacy is a major global problem, many scientists have become increasingly active in developing initiatives designed to bring about significant changes in the way we teach learners of all ages about science. This workshop, which has been coordinated with the Aspen Center for Physics as part of its planned 50th Anniversary celebration, is designed to bring engaged scientists together with leading informal and non-formal science education (ISE) professionals in the citizen-science, museum, policy, and communications worlds to share details about their initiatives and to search together for synergies among their efforts. A desired emergent outcome would be building a community of engaged research scientists and ISE professionals to continue such discussions and act as a seedbed for future initiatives in which we work together on projects that go beyond what we can accomplish individually.


Workshop Summary and Action Agenda
Presentation Videos

Thrust Area

Quantum Matter

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