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QuantEmX Guidelines

QuantEmX Award Types


1) Short Term Exchange Awards (Duration: 2 – 3 weeks) for junior or senior scientists to carry out 2-3 week research visits to other labs or suitable research facilities (such as light sources, neutron scattering labs, or high field magnet labs)
2) Long Term Exchange Awards (Duration: 6 – 8 weeks)  for junior or senior scientists to initiate new research with other labs. 
3) Senior Scientist Exchange Awards (Duration: 2 – 8 weeks) – ICAM senior scientists to carry out research visits at other ICAM institutions or suitable research facilities.




1) Members of research groups funded by the Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems (EPiQS) initiative can apply for exchange with any other research group in the world, i.e., the other group does not have to be part of either EPiQS or ICAM.

2) ICAM members from one Branch can only apply for exchange with ICAM Branches different from their own. Limited funding will be available for exchanges in which the other group is not part of ICAM.

**ICAM Junior Scientists: ICAM defines Junior Scientists as undergraduate or graduate students, or postdoctoral researchers within five (5) years of getting their PhD. Junior Scientists may not hold a university tenure track faculty position or be on the staff of a national or industrial laboratory.


QuantEmX Steering Committee


Piers Coleman [Rutgers], Rajiv Singh [UC Davis], and Khandker Quader [Kent State], EPiQS Researchers Dmitri Basov [Columbia], Collin Broholm [Johns Hopkins], Jak Chakalian [Rutgers], Sang Cheong [Rutgers], and Emilia Morosan [Rice], Laura Greene [Florida State/NHMFL], Bernhard Keimer [Stuttgart]


The Application Process


Applications will be reviewed by the steering committee on a quarterly basis until filled each year. Processing an application typically takes a few weeks, longer if the original submittal is incomplete. Applicants should also allow several months to obtain their VISA, if applicable.  The table below shows the deadlines, award times, and travel dates for the coming year. Interested Applicants should review the QuantEmX Guidelines before applying.


Click here for the application schedule.


Required Documents


Applicants must furnish the documentation listed below.


Short Term Exchange Awards (Duration: 2 – 3 weeks)

• Applicant Curriculum Vitae (CV) – one page max
• Host Mentor Curriculum Vitae (CV) – two pages max
• One page proposal; must include budget
. Please convert your budget to USD.
• One letter of recommendation from Applicant’s Current Mentor – one page max


Long Term Exchange Awards (Duration: 6 – 8 weeks)

• Applicant Curriculum Vitae (CV) – one page max
• Host Mentor Curriculum Vitae (CV) – two pages max
• Three page proposal; must include budget. Please convert your budget to USD.
• One letter of recommendation from Applicant’s Current Mentor – one page max


Senior Scientist Exchange Awards (Duration: 2 – 8 weeks)

• Applicant Curriculum Vitae (CV) – one page max
• Host Curriculum Vitae (CV) – two pages max
• Three page proposal; must include budget. Please convert your budget to USD.
• Invitation letter from Host – one page max


Terms of the Award


QuantEmX Exchange Awards are travel awards for research collaborations, typically lasting 2 – 8 weeks. As such ICAM will reimburse the traveler for actual expenses incurred such as airfare, meals and incidentals, and lodging.  Reasonable and economy estimates of lodging and meals expenses should be used in the award application. Reimbursement is processed after the travel has ended. Please refer to the QuantEmX Reimbursement page for information on allowable costs and the reimbursement process. QuantEmX travel should be carried out as close as possible to the original proposed dates and completed within 3 months of the original proposed dates.  Delays beyond this time frame will require a complete re-application to QuantEmX.


QuantEmX awards only support travel between two different ICAM branches. ICAM to ICAM funding will only be allowed between two separate ICAM branches and not within the same ICAM branch except in exceptional circumstances. Travel within a branch must be funded by internal funds. 


Reporting and Outreach Responsibilities


All reports and publications must be emailed to

1. Write a brief (1-2 pages) report outlining the research and collaborative results of your travel exchange. Collaborations developed during or because of your visit should be detailed as this is the purpose of the award. 
2. Submit any publications (from pre-print to final) that resulted from this award.
3. Acknowledge the Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM) and The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation on all publications and presentations. 
4. Use the ICAM and The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation logos on publications and other documents when possible. (See the Acknowledgements/Grants page for logos.)



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