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Electronic States and Phases Induced by Electric or Optical Impacts - IMPACT 2012 (2832)

September 10, 2012 – September 14, 2012



Orsay France



Serguei Brazovskii, LPTMS - CNRS & Paris Sud, France
Victor Yakovenko, University of Maryland
Luca Perfetti, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Natasha Kirova, LPS - CNRS & Paris Sud, France



Recent years have witnessed an emergence and very rapid development of a new activity in condensed matter physics. The goal is to achieve controlled transformations of electronic states, or even of whole phases, by external impacts.  There are two main directions: the electrostatic effects of very strong electric fields and the effects of supercritical optical pumping; the latest trend is to employ them in combination.  These studies have demonstrated an explosive development during last two years.


IMPACT 2012 Website



Serguei Brazovskii, LPTMS - CNRS & Paris Sud, France
Victor Yakovenko, University of Maryland
Luca Perfetti, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Natasha Kirova, LPS - CNRS & Paris Sud, France



Thrust Area

Quantum Matter

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