Frontiers in Single-Cell Analysis (4302)
September 05, 2013 – September 07, 2013
Palo Alto, CA, USA
Photo Credits: Stanford University,,, Ji-Hoon Lee
Steven Boxer, Stanford University
Daniel Chiu, University of Washington
Important Links
Frontiers in Single-Cell Analysis Website
This conference will focus on “Frontiers in Single-Cell Analysis”, and its mission is to bring together world leaders in this area to the most interesting results and the future of this emerging field. It is becoming increasingly clear that the complexity of biological systems derives, in part, from the diversity of properties of individual cells. Historically, tissues or cells in culture were ground up and the composition and pathways explored. This has been highly productive, however, a simple example can illustrate that this is incomplete. Imagine that at the moment of cell division, there are 3 copies of a messenger RNA coding for some key enzyme or regulatory factor. One daughter cell inherits 2 copies, the other 1, so at that point this property has an entirely different level in one daughter as compared with another, despite their being genetically identical, and this may greatly affect the fates of these two daughter cells. Likewise, it is becoming increasingly clear that chance mutations in a cell can lead to a disease phenotype, that may ultimately dominate the population. Even at this broad and oversimplified level, it is apparent that novel approaches to quantitative analysis at the level of single cells are essential.
At the same time, and often with entirely different motivation, there has been an explosion of physical methods that push the limits of sensitivity, even to the level of single molecules. In addition to sensitivity, spatial resolution is essential, as individual cells must be interrogated, even when present in more complex tissues. The goal of this conference is to bring together leaders in the development of these ultra-sensitive physical methods with biologists and even clinicians.
Poster: Poster_for_Frontiers_in_Single-Cell_Analysis.pdf
Symposium Speakers
Bianxiao Cui, Stanford University
Jim Eberwine, University of Pennsylvania
Andy Ewing, Chalmers University, Sweden
Takashi Ito, University of Tokyo
Hideki Kambara, Hitachi, Tokyo
Ulf Landegren, Uppsala University
Richard Mathies, UC Berkeley
W.E. Moerner, Stanford University
Gary Nolan, Stanford University
Kennedy Okeyo, University of Nairobi, Kenya & University of Tokyo
Stephen Quake, Stanford University
Jerald Radich, Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center
Jonathan Sweedler, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Rong Hsian Tseng, UCLA
Sunney Xie, Harvard University
Richard N. Zare, Stanford University

Thrust Area
Biological Matter