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International Workshop on Optical Bioimaging (5752)

August 21, 2014 – August 28, 2014



Guangzhou, China


Sailing He, Zhejiang University
Katarina Svanberg, South China Normal University
Jun Li, South China Normal University



The purpose of the International Workshop on Optical Bioimaging (IWOB) is to invite leading scientists from around the world, representing academia (researchers and educators), medicine, and government agencies, to discuss the important topics and strategy for the future of optical biomedical imaging research, technology development and education. The rationale for the meeting is to provide guidance and direction to further optical biomedical imaging science and technology development into those areas of greatest need for creative and innovative solutions to “grand challenges” in the life sciences and medicine. Preventive medicine will increasingly be replacing the costly treatment of advanced diseases in future. A better understanding of cellular processes down to the level of molecular life processes forms the mainstay of early intervention. Innovations in the area of nanoparticles mediated bio-photonics facilitate new approaches to drug delivery – from imaging diagnostics to the development of new active agents to minimally invasive surgery/therapy. Optical imaging has a grent potential for innovation and progress in healthcare. Impressive results in development work and in frontier research in medicine and analytics have generated considerable progress in the life sciences and have repeatedly been awarded national innovation prizes. Medicine and the life sciences are among the main markets for photonics products.


Bioimaging Workshop Website

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Biological Matter

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