Kent State University
ICAM-related research at Kent State University is fairly broad. Senior and junior scientists are engaged in theoretical, experimental, and computational work in quantum matter including correlated electron systems, ultracold atoms, etc; soft matter including liquid crystals, membranes, etc; biological physics/chemistry including molecular biological physics, protein folding and binding, stochastic simulation in biological systems, lipid and membrane biophysics, liquid crystalline properties of biological systems, biocomplexity in ecosystems, etc.
Research in these areas are carried out in varying degrees in the departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, the Liquid Crystal Institute/Chemical Physics, the Water Resources Research Institute, and the School for Biomedical Sciences. More details on the Kent State ICAM-active participants and their research can be found in the respective webpages of these departments and institutes.
Kent State University Branch Coordinator:
Khandker F. Quader, Professor, Department of Physics
KSU-ICAM Steering Committee:
Oleg Lavrentovich,Trustees Research Professor, Liquid Crystal Institute/Department of Chemical Physics
Laura Leff, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
John Portman, Associate Professor, Department of Physics
Paul Farrell, Department of Computer Science
Arne Gericke, Associate Professor, Chemistry (2003-2011)—to be replaced.
Branch Members
Senior Scientists
Carmen Almasan
Hamza Balci
Liang-Chy Chien
Barry Dunietz
Maxim Dzero
Eugene Gartland
Torsten Hegmann
Antal Jakli
Chanjoong Kim
Edgar Kooijman
Satyen Kumar
Oleg Lavrentovich
Patrick Lorch
Elizabeth Mann
Peter Palffy-Muhoray
Khandker Quader
Almut Schroeder
Jonathan Selinger
Robin Selinger
Qi-Huo Wei
Hiroshi Yokoyama​
Post Docs
Tao Hu
Ji Ma
Johanna Rankenberg
Shawn Ryan
Pavan Kumar Challa
Nicholas Diorio
Zachary Graber
Pritam Mandal
Prithviraj Nandigrami
Thanh Son Nguyen
Shokir Pardaev
Mykhailo Pevnyi
Piotr Popov
Sujay Ray
Kelly Reidy
Seyyed Muhammad Salili
Anshul Sharma
Pengtao Shen
Yogesh Singh
Jie Xiang
Shuang Zhou
Amanda Lindsay
Courtney Robison
Joined ICAM in 2003

Workshop Application
13th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals - FLC 2011: Advances in Chiral and Polar Soft Matter
Author: Antal Jakli
Chirality at the Nanoscale
Author: Torsten Hegmann
2016 MRS Spring Meeting on Liquid Crystals
Author: Liang-Chy Chien