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SOFT FIRE - SOFT matter, From fundamental aspects to Industrial peRspEctives (14-4)

July 29, 2014 – August 08, 2014



Cargese, Corsica, France



P. Chaikin (NY Univ USA)
P. Guenoun (CEA, Saclay FR)
C. Ménager (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS FR)
P. Levitz (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS FR)
P. Pincus (UCSB), F. Restagno (Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS FR)




Soft condensed matter are the subject of a large number of investigations all around the world, both from a fundamental point of view and form a more applied side, due to the large number of practical questions relying on the aptitude of soft matter to provide large responses to small solicitations.


Following the first Dynasoft 08 and 2010 workshop, held in August 2008 and august 2010, the present workshop Soft-FIRE will focus the relationship between fundamental research and applied research devoting an important part of the discussions to Industrial talks with a scientific favor. The aim of the workshop will be to present the state of the art on a number of fast evolving questions and to promote discussions and interactions between researchers but also to give the opportunity to Young researchers to develop a professional career individual perspective. 

Main topics will include 
* Soft matter physics 
* Soft chemistry 
* Microfluidics 
* Statistical physics in soft matter 
* Polymers for energy 
* Drug delivery 
* Polymer electronics 
* Technical methods 
* Biophysics viruses
* Colloids

Thrust Area

Soft Matter

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