Autumn School on Correlated Electrons: Topology and Entanglement in Strongly-Correlated Materials
Mon, Sep 21
GOING ONLINE: registration closed.

Time & Location
Sep 21, 2020, 7:00 PM – Sep 25, 2020, 11:00 PM
Forschungszentrum, 52428 Jülich, Germany
About The Event
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Entanglement and topology are key aspects in many-body physics. Understanding the associated emergent phenomena beyond toy models —in the world of real strongly-correlated materials— requires to master a wealth of different methods. These encompass analytical tools such as group theory, first principles techniques based on density-functional theory, materials-specific model-building schemes, as well as advanced modern numerical approaches for solving realistic many-body models.
The goal of this year’s school is to provide students with an overview of the state-of-the art of these methods, their successes and their limitations. After introducing the basics, lectures will present the core concepts of topology and entanglement in many-body systems. Next, strategies for building materials specific models and solution techniques will be introduced. Among the latter, the school will cover quantum Monte Carlo methods, construction and optimization of correlated wave-functions, recursion and renormalization group techniques, as well as dynamical mean-field theory. More advanced lectures will give a pedagogical overview on topological materials and their physics: topological semimetals, topological superconductors, and topological Kondo systems. Towards the end of the school entanglement in quantum dynamics and perspectives in quantum computation will be discussed.