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Quantum Materials: Experiments and Theory (8062)

April 09, 2007 – April 13, 2007



Julich, Germany



Eva Pavarini, FZJ
Erik Koch, FZJ
Jeroen van den Brink, IFW Dresden
George Sawatzky, British Columbia

Registration Form (Deadline: May 31, 2016)


Exploratory and Novel Aspects:

The school aims to prepare the next generation of researchers for advancing the understanding of emergent phenomena in strongly correlated matter. For this, students need a broad background of complementary techniques ranging from traditional ab-initio methods to advanced many-body theories, and an understanding of experimental techniques. For this we will bring together lecturers from a range of different established and well separated areas of condensed matter research.


The school is thus complementary to conventional curricula. To further advance the field, the next generation of students needs to work at the interface of all these research areas and must be able to judge works in all the subjects involved. The present school aims at advancing the students to the frontiers of research, through a set of comprehensive and pedagogical lectures which cover the essential aspects. The school will offer the unique chance of discussing open problems from many perspectives, ranging from ab-initio approaches to the hard many-body aspects and to experimental techniques.



Ali Alavi, MPI for Solid State Research, Stuttgart
Henri Alloul, Université Paris-Sud
Andrea Damascelli, University of British Columbia
Robert Eder, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Matthew Foulkes, Imperial College
Christian Hess, IFW Dresden
Erik Koch, Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Andreas Läuchli, Universität Innsbruck
Franca Manghi, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Eva Pavarini, Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Lucia Reining, École Polytechnique
Helge Rosner, MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden
Richard Scalettar, UC Davis
George Sawatzky, University of British Columbia
Jeroen van den Brink, IFW Dresden
Gerrit van der Laan, Diamond Light Source
Dirk van der Marel, Université de Genève

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